- Getting to Know Your Inner Peace - 0001_Introductions
0001 Introductions
- Getting to Know Your Inner Peace - 0001_Introductions
Search for Serenity - 0001 Introductions
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- שלח דף במייל
Translator’s Preface
“Da Es Menuchasecha” (Getting To Know Your Serenity)[1] is a companion volume to the popular books in the “Da Es” series, an exciting, deep, and practical approach to self-actualization, from the author of the acclaimed Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh (Building A Sanctuary In The Heart).
It is a collection of derashos where the Rav spoke about the concept of menuchas hanefesh, “serenity of the soul”, otherwise known as inner peace, or peace of mind. The author firmly believes that a “scattered mind” is at the core of many of the problems in the generation today, and that living a calmer lifestyle is ultimately a prerequisite the spiritual growth, besides for the physical and emotional and mental benefits that it offers. There is no doubt that learning the chapters of this collection of derashos can help you lead a calmer lifestyle.
First the general concept of menuchas hanefesh is presented, explaining why it is so important, and then we are guided through developing menuchas hanefesh in the three general areas of our soul: action, emotion, and thought. The remaining chapters discuss deeper aspects of menuchas hanefesh, as well as how menuchas hanefesh can be integrated with the other aspects of our life.
After the Hebrew sefer of Da Es Menuchascha was published, the Rav spoke about menuchas hanefesh on some other occasions, which we have included in the addendum chapters. The chapters of this series were not given in order, with the exception of Chapters 2-6. The common theme of this series is to show how menuchas hanefesh is developed throughout the parts of our self, beginning from basic calmness to higher calmness.
May the study of this sefer help us reach the calm place in ourselves where we can fully integrate with the Creator.
Author’s Introduction
The concept of menuchas hanefesh – “serenity of the soul” – is a necessary power that we will need in order to build our soul. In the yeshiva of Kelm, there was a great emphasis on menuchas hanefesh, where they recognized the importance of it. It is perhaps the most important tool in all of a person’s avodas Hashem.
In our generation especially, the very lifestyle that people lead is often the opposite of menuchas hanefesh. The various new products that come out every day do not allow us to have inner peace. Although everything has pros and cons to it, it’s clear that most of the new things coming out each day prevent us from having a serene kind of life, when we acquire these new products.
Our forefathers lived lives of solitude, spending their time in the tents of Shem and Ever, far away from the material side of town (reported by our Sages to have been 500 amos away from civilization). This was what enabled them to have menuchas hanefesh and truly build and develop their souls. This sefer is written to enable our generation to draw ourselves closer, on some level, to the calm and peaceful kind of life that our Avos and teachers had. It attempts to depict what a life of menuchas hanefesh looks like - both in the inner sense and in the external sense.
NOTE: Final english versions are only found in the Rav's printed seforim »